A unique and revolutionary manual diagnostic and treatment technique for releasing tension, spasm, adhesions within muscles, ligaments, fascia and nerve entrapments specific to and within the female pelvic floor.

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The pelvic floor consists of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that support the pelvic organs against gravity and intraabdominal pressure.

This musculoskeletal structure has been vastly under diagnosed and treated as a primary and secondary source of pelvic floor dysfunction. The complex mechanics of the pelvic floor’s bimodal function and frequent insults to the integrity of the pelvic diaphragm from altered biomechanics, pregnancy, athletics, menopause, sexual trauma, prior surgery and obesity contribute to the pelvic musculature’s vulnerability to damage and injury.

Frequently muscles respond to stress and injury by tightening and spasming or developing scar tissue within the muscle. These reactions often cause surrounding musculature to overreact as well.

These spasms may decrease the ability of the muscle to generate adequate force and they may actually become weak while at the same time remaining tight.


Over the course of 19 years of clinical experience, evidence-based research, collaborating with OBGYNs, PCPs, physician assistants, colorectal surgeons, neurologists, midwives, doulas, nurses and other medical specialists and studying pelvic anatomy, Dr. Vicki Hemmett, DC developed, refined and perfected a series of Pelvic Power Release techniques. Pelvic Power Release is a highly specific, revolutionary, intravaginal manual pelvic floor diagnostic and treatment technique. Diagnostically, Pelvic Power Release allows a provider to palpate each individual muscles within the pelvic floor and differentiate between spastic/tight muscles and flaccid/weak muscles.

Pelvic Power Release is specific enough to differentiate between normal and abnormal tissue tone and texture (trigger points, adhesions) within an individual muscle and between individual muscles. or adhesion are released.

Pelvic Power Release gives the provider the treatment tools to actively release tension, spasm and adhesions within pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, fascia, and nerve entrapments. Frequently, once a spasm and the muscle is allowed to function normally and with rehab, regain its normally strength and endurance quickly. Providers are also able to identify underactive or weak muscles with Pelvic Power Release and provide manual biofeedback to the patient to facilitate its active contraction


Once the spastic components of the pelvic floor are released, Pelvic Power Release is used to provide manual biofeedback to help women mentally connect with their pelvic floor muscles and teach them how to contract, relax and coordinate movement within and between individual muscles in the pelvic floor. Dr. Vicki was able to systematize and reproduce the amazing outcomes by training other female chiropractic physicians to perform the technique.
When this powerful diagnostic and treatment technique is combined with chiropractic joint release to the low back, pelvic and hip joints and “true” lumbopelvic (diaphragm, transverse abdominus, internal oblique and pelvic floor) stabilization and strengthening, the clinical outcomes are amazing.

This powerful technique augments the tremendous progress that women’s health has made.

Pelvic Power Release fulfills the void in effectively diagnosing and treating the musculoskeletal drivers of urinary, defecation, sexual, pelvic organ and low back, pelvic and hip dysfunction and pain. Pelvic Power Release empowers female chiropractic physicians to collaborate with other medical provider specialists to adopt a patient centered model of care.

This powerful technique compliments the realm of women’s health and fulfills the MISSING LINK between the musculoskeletal drivers of chronic pelvic pain conditions.

The intention of Pelvic Power Release is to empower female chiropractors to work collaboratively with OBGYNs, NPs, PCPs, surgeons and other medical providers to adopt a patient centered model of care.

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